Here is the live stream link for tonights Football game vs Neligh-Oakdale

Just a reminder that Football Parent's Night is TONIGHT
Parent's Night Information - All Fall Sports will be in Springview
*****Football will be prior to the game on Friday Oct 7. Parents will be announced starting at 6:40
*****Cross Country AND Volleyball will be Oct 11-they will be announced prior to the start of the Varsity Volleyball game (immediately after the JV game)

Mark your calendars!! The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our Elementary Library on October 17th-21st.

K-4th grade football will be having a scrimmage during halftime of the high school football game tomorrow night 10/7/22. There will be no K-4th grade practice after school.

Please come join if you would like to gather more information on dual credit classes offered at our school!

Come Support the Junior Class!

Parents please be advised until the required Health Questionnaire is completed and turned into the office for the school nurse; your child will not be able to receive any medications (prescription or over the counter meds) from authorized staff. Parents will be responsible to administer their Childs meds until the forms are completed. Forms can be found on JMC or the school website. If you are having trouble finding them please let the office know. Thank you!

No C game!! JV Volleyball game on Tuesday October 11th starts at 5:30 now. This is a change. Volleyball and Cross Country Parents will be announced after the JV game. Varsity Volleyball will follow.

Junior High Volleyball Brackets and Live Streaming link for the Volleyball Tournament at West Holt this Saturday October 8th.
Streaming: In the main gym only. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT1be32GLF0WwOVxfm5Oa7w

Below are the links for tonight's games.

HS Volleyball this week - NOTE THURSDAY IS AT VERDIGRE
JV Volleyball - Monday, Oct. 3rd @ KP - Start time 4:00pm with other games to follow
Game 1: North Central vs. Boyd Co
Game 2: Boyd Co vs. Ainsworth
Game 3: Ainsworth vs. North Central
Varsity Volleyball - Tuesday, Oct. 4th @ KP - Start time 5:00pm with other games to follow
Game 1: North Central vs Stuart
Game 2: Stuart vs Ainsworth
Game 3: Ainsworth vs. North Central
Varsity Volleyball - Thursday, Oct. 6th @ VERDIGRE - Start time 5:00pm with other games to follow
Game 1: North Central vs. Niobrara-Verdigre
Game 2: St. Mary’s vs. North Central
Game 3: Niobrara-Verdigre vs. St. Mary’s
Hartington-Newcastle Tournament - Saturday, Oct. 8th
Pool A at Hartington-Newcastle
9:00 HNS vs. L-C-C
10:00 HNS vs. Winside
11:00 LCC vs. Winside
Pool B at Cedar Catholic
9:00 Wausa vs. Tri County Northeast
10:00 North Central vs. Tri County Northeast
11:00 Wausa vs. North Central
At Hartington-Newcastle
12:30 5th Place Game
1:30 3rd Place Game
2:30 Championship Game

Brackets for the Volleyball Tournament Saturday October 8th in Hartington.

Volleyball information for Triangular at Verdigre on Thursday October 6th

Below is the stream link for the game tonight.

Here are the direct links to tonights volleyball matches against Summerland.
https://youtu.be/W2Cfjwr2UAY - C-Team Game
https://youtu.be/Lb2dYtmVlxs - JV Game
https://youtu.be/5B5df5e9_VY - Varsity Game

JH music outside practicing bucket drumming for their performance during halftime for the Homecoming Football Game tomorrow night! Come check it out!

Welding 1 students helped with getting the bleachers ready for the Homecoming Game!

There will be no Friday Knight volleyball practice Friday 9/30/22 for K-6th graders due to lack of gym availability and homecoming parade.

Thank You to everyone that supported the Sophomore Cookie Dough Fundraiser! ! It was a Great Success!! We will let you know when it comes in!
Thanks Again, The Sophomore Class and Sponsors

JH music students just got done selling butter braids for a fundraiser. They had a goal of selling 55 butter braids and they ended up selling 171 butter braids which equals $2,565 total. So proud of these students and their efforts! Thank you to everyone who supported!