Reminder: Keya Paha FFA Pancake Feed is Wednesday, March 12th from 7am to 9am in the Multipurpose room! We hope to see you there!

Here is the 2025 Track Apparel Link:https://northcentraltrackapparel2025.itemorder.com/shop/home/

On February 25th, Keya Paha FFA members competed in District CDEs (Career Development Events) at Northeast Community College in Norfolk, NE.
In the welding competition, the Keya Paha FFA team came in fifth and qualified for State FFA. Individually, Lucas Clay placed 11th in SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding), Mason Schubauer placed 3rd in GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding), Angela Frick placed 10th in OAW (Oxyacetylene Welding), and John Schrader placed 1st in GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding).
In the Ag Technical and Mechanical competition, the team came in third and qualified for State FFA for the third year in a row. Members of this team are Lucas Clay, Landon Stephen, John Schrader, and Mason Schubauer.
In Livestock Management, Keya Paha placed 14th. The livestock management team included Reece Taylor, Kit Painter, Ely Weller, Nate Frick, and Shelby Kepler.
Keya Paha had two teams for the Envirothon competition, where each team had to answer a set of tests about different environmental topics. Keya Paha A, which included Reece Taylor, Angela Frick, Kit Painter, Thomas Carr, and Ely Weller, placed 7th. Keya Paha B, which included Zach Wiebelhaus, Karlene Kepler, Trace Kaupp, Courtnie Krueger, and Wyatt Fowler, placed 11th.
8 members competed in the food science competition. Food science is when the competitors have to complete a scent test, where the contestant has to identify the scent, a triangle test, where the competitors have to tell which food is the same compared to which sample is different, and a 50-question test. As two teams, Keya Paha A, Karlene Kepler, Bailey Kaufman, Karleigh Crawford, and Zach Wiebelhaus, placed 7th, and Keya Paha B, Zayle Stephen, Zoey Snyder, Shalee Klein, Courtnie Krueger, placed 12th. Individually, Karlene Kepler placed 9th, Bailey Kaufman placed 26th, Karleigh Crawford and Zach Wiebelhaus placed 34th and 35th with tied points, Zayle Stephen and Zoey Snyder placed 41st and 42nd with tied points, Courtnie Krueger placed 56th, and Shalee Klein placed 64th.
For Floriculture, the Keya Paha County team placed 9th. Individually, Karleigh Crawford placed 23rd, Jamison Graham placed 34th, Shalee Klein placed 41st, and Zoey Snyder placed 46th.
In Agronomy, Nate Frick placed 6th, Drake Johnson placed 8th, Jamison Graham placed 9th, and Trace Kaupp placed 11th. This team placed 2nd out of three teams.
The next CDE competition is in Sargent, NE, on March 11th.

The speech team has had a busy last few days, we traveled to Ainsworth to compete, Brenna placed 4th in Humorous prose and 6th in serious prose.
Today, we traveled to Bartlett to compete at conference. The girls worked hard to place us 7th out of 10 schools. Bailey placed 2nd in poetry and Brenna placed 6th in both humorous and serious prose.
All girls worked extremely hard and should be extremely proud of themselves. They represented their school well!

Due to the forecasted weather there will be NO school at Keya Paha County Schools on Tuesday, March 4. Again, there will be NO school at Keya Paha County Schools on Tuesday, March 4.

Things are feeling pretty "GOLDEN" around here! We just received notice that Mrs. Ellen Trahan is the recipient of the Golden Owl award, an honor sponsored by the Nebraska FFA Foundation and Nationwide that recognizes agricultural education teachers that demonstrate dedication to agricultural education, a commitment to students, and have a positive impact on their students. She will be one of six recipients honored at the Nebraska State FFA Convention in Lincoln this April. Congratulations, Mrs. Trahan! You are truly an opportunity seeker who isn't afraid to try hard things!
~ United We Educate ~

Twenty-four FFA members traveled to Norfolk to compete in District CDEs (career development events). Some of the events included agricultural mechanics & technology, welding, floriculture, livestock management, food science, and environthan. Results will be posted when available.

Celebrating Dr. Seuss Week and Read Across America Week March 3rd-6th.

D1-1 District Girls Basketball Final Information for Friday February 28th in Pender:
Livestream Link: https://fan.hudl.com/usa/ne/pender/organization/16114/pender-high-school/

Boys D1-8 Sub-District Basketball bracket

Keya Paha FFA is wrapping up this week. We had close to 30 toy pickups for our show day and we are celebrating our last day with treats from PTO. Congratulations to our pickup day winners:
Most Unique: Pistol
Biggest: Irelyn
Smallest: Clancy
Oldest: Ansleigh
Newest: Gian
Most Used: Levi
Thank you all who have helped us celebrate FFA Week! We will be celebrating Ag Month in March!

Due to weather, the FFA Pancake Feed has been postponed until March 12th.

Due to continued negative temperatures, Keya Paha County School will have a 10 o'clock start on Thursday, February 20.

Just a reminder--there is NO After School Enrichment when there is no school on Fridays. I am planning on having it next week on the 27th.

It's Alumni Day for National FFA Week! We encourage FFA Alumni to post a picture and tell us how FFA impacted you! Here are a few throw backs.

The Sophomore class is selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts & Coffee as a Fundraiser for PROM next year until Feb. 28th. If you would like to place an order, please let one of the Sophomores know (Harley, Bailey, Trace, Courtnie, Zoey, Zayle). Thank you for your support!

The Keya Paha FFA Pancake Feed has been postponed to March 12th.

Updated Girls D1 Sub-District Basketball Information:
Live Stream Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/RockCountyPublicSchools

The D1-4 Girls Sub-District Basketball Games tomorrow Night in Bassett have been moved up in time. Game 1--NC vs Plainview will start at 3:00 pm. Game 2--Neligh-Oakdale vs Creighton will start around 4:15

The Junior High Basketball Games for Tonight in Valentine have be rescheduled to Thursday February 20th. The games will follow the same schedule and will be played at the same place that was put out earlier with the first game being played at 5:00.