Parents Night Protocol
Starting this fall (2023) North Central will start conducting Parents Night differently. Only the Seniors and their Parents will come onto the Floor/out onto mid-Field to be recognized. All underclassmen and managers will stand along the Sideline/Endline of the gym floor/End zone on the football field and step forward when their name is announced. When their name is announced their parents in the stands should stand up and be recognized as well.
Neligh-Oakdale Cross Country Meet information for Monday Sept. 11th.
Parents: Beginning September 8th, if your student is on the down list(failing a class) or becomes ineligible for extra curricular activities, you will be notified via email. In the past notification has been made through mail, however Keya Paha County Schools will be moving away from that and only sending these notification letters through email. The notification letter and your student's progress report will be sent on Friday afternoon, to the email that is on file with JMC. If you have questions please call the school.
UPDATE FOR HS Volleyball @ Ainsworth, tomorrow, Thursday, Sept 7th.
The JV will not have a triangular. They will be playing Ainsworth at 4:00PM in the gym at the high school. The varsity triangular will follow.
This is an addition to the Junior High Volleyball schedule for this Tuesday Sept 12
Cross Country, Volleyball and Football shirt orders are in the office. Stop in and pick up yours!
Football at Riverside (Spalding) information
Firearm Hunter Education Course Offered
A firearm hunter education course will be offered by Nebraska Game and Parks
Commission volunteer instructors in Bassett on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The free course will be held at the Bassett Legion Club at 201 Buchanan Street and continues on Sunday, October 1, 2023 from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Ainsworth Rod and Gun Club. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.
Live Stream Links for tonights games at Rock County:
JH Girls VB:
Due to a training that was previously scheduled, Kindergarten through 6th grade will be dismissed at 12:15 pm on Friday, September 15. Grades 7-12 will remain IN school until 3:30 pm.
Ainsworth Volleyball Triangular information for Sept 7th
On Wednesday, the 6th School pictures will be taken as well as the Senior Banner pictures. Pictures will start to be taken at 8:00.
Tuesday the 5th, JHVB, JHFB and JVFB will play games in RC with Sandhills/Thedford. VB will start at 4:00, JHFB will start at 4:30 and JVFB will start at 6:00. Bus will leave the school at 2:30.
About 90boxes left of peaches 🍑 Price drop as peaches are ripe and ready! $40 per box and $20 per 1/2 box! Selling downtown Springview until gone! Call 402-389-2961 for information. Find the big yellow school bus!
Rock County will be live streaming tonight's game. Go to the following link to watch
Starting next Wednesday (9-6-2023), volleyball practice will start for the elementary. The first practice will be from 3:30-4:30 for grades K-6. Regularly, 3rd - 6th will meet Mondays each week & K-2nd will practice each week on Wednesday. Tentative end date is in October. More information will go out later.
Live Stream link for the Football game tonight vs Arcadia-Loup City
Boyd County Cross Country Meet at Butte Golf Course on Thursday September 7th information:
Specialty coffees will be at Internal Design tomorrow 31st, after the Homecoming parade.
Live Stream Link for Burwell Triangular this Thursday August 31st!